Interview & #Giveaway: Dragon’s First Rule by Silver Milan @silvermilan

Welcome author Silver Milan to PNR&More! Read on below for our interview and more about Dragon’s First Rule! Also, don't miss the giveaway at the end! :)

Hi! Would you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Silver Milan: Hello, and thanks for having me! I’ve been publishing under different pen names starting in early 2013 (really early, as in January 1!) and I’ve sold over 300,000 books since then. I gave up my day job in 2012 and never looked back.

The first two and a half years were crazy lean financially, and I learned how to live on very little money. My thriftiness shows through in a lot of my characters. They’ll save coupons, they’ll eat Kraft Mac and Cheese, they’ll rent out their homes and live in the basements…

It’s only in the past two years that I’ve started breaking out, and here I go deciding to start a new pen name again. I guess I want to prove to myself that I can do it again. Sort of like what Steven King did back in the 80s when he started his Richard Bachman pen name.

I wonder if anyone will write in after reading books by Silver Milan and tell me they’ve figured out who I am from my voice ;)

What do you do when you are not writing?

Silver Milan: Lots of things. I’m a big fitness fan, so I’ll head to the gym, or jog or bike if the weather is good. Or I’ll pick up a good romance if it’s a rainy day. I’m also a bit of a foodie, and since I never was that great of a cook (unless you count Mac n’ Cheese, which I can make really well!!!), I like to support local mom and pop restaurants. Especially on the Italian side. Mmmm, pasta.

Do you write an outline before starting a book or just write?

Silver Milan: It depends on the book. Sometimes I’ll write a couple of paragraphs as an outline, sometimes nothing, and other times I’ll write a few pages worth. Though I’ve noticed in the past year my outlining has dropped to the couple paragraphs to none at all level. I guess that’s a sign I’m learning my craft?

I know authors get asked this a lot but do you have any advice that you would give to aspiring writers?

Silver Milan: #1. Learn to write fast.
#2. Spend less time rewriting.

When I was first starting out, back in the early 2000s, I’d write a book, then spend years and years rewriting it. After five years and twelve drafts later, I’d end up with something that was overedited and just not publishable.

When I first started publishing in 2013, I got down to 8 drafts written over four months.

These days I usually write two drafts, written over three weeks, for a 70,000 word novel. Though Dragon’s First Rule took a bit longer I admit, because I decided to go through it and add what I felt was a necessary subplot, so it clocked in at four drafts.

Can you tell us, in your own words not the book description, a little about your book?

Silver Milan: So Dragon’s First Rule is about a woman named Ariel who was bitten by a lion shifter and is now a shifter herself. She’s still traumatized by the incident, and when she meets Jett, dragon shifter and king of North America, she’s a bit broken.

Jett takes her in because, well, he’s a good guy. Sure he thinks she’s sexy as hell, but he also feels responsible because she was bitten in territory he owns. So he swears to her that he’s going to hunt down the man who did this to her, and roast him alive with his fiery breath.

He decides to go looking for this rogue without any of his men, because, well, he’s a dragon and he’s not afraid of anyone. He wants Ariel to tag along so that she can ID him. Sparks ensue ;)  

Which came first for you, the characters or the plot?

Silver Milan: The characters definitely. Once I had them in mind, I had an idea where I wanted them to go, and I took them there.

What was the inspiration for this novel?

Silver Milan: I read a lot of paranormal romance and urban fantasy, and I love the genre. I asked myself, what can I write about that will stand out from all the other paranormal romance books out there? And I came up with the idea for a dragon king falling for a lion shifter who was also secretly a witch. Basically I wanted a woman who could hold her own against a king, so she couldn’t be a weak character, not in abilities, nor (most importantly) personality.   

Where can we purchase this book?

Silver Milan:  Amazon

Can we expect more novels from you in 2017?   

Silver Milan: Yes of course! I already have the sequel to Dragon’s First Rule available on Amazon, and book 3 will be out in a couple of more weeks.

Are you working on anything at the moment?

Silver Milan: Book 3 in Dragons of Midnight :)

Are you reading anything interesting at the moment? If so, what is it?

Silver Milan: The latest Guild Hunter from Nalini Singh, as it happens.

Do you think you may ever go into another genre?

Silver Milan: I’ve already dabbled in mysteries and thrillers, and science fiction. My heart is in romance, though, and even when I switch genres, there’s always a huge romance element. The big difference is that I tone down the sex outside of the romance genre. For non-romance, I’ll still have short sex scenes, but there’s less about how the characters are feeling before and after.

If you could live in the world you have created, would you? If no, why not?

Silver Milan: Most definitely. I’d want to be a dragon witch, advisor to a dragon shifter den in Italy. Probably the Lazio region, since I’ve always been in love with Rome. I’d secretly roam the skies at night, hidden from view from the humans with my magic, and in the day I’d lounge at the beach in Ostia. Ah, it would be heaven!

What are some of the pro’s and con’s of self-publishing verses being published by a publisher in your opinion?

Silver Milan: The control aspect, of course. No one meddles in my covers, story, etc. But there’s also the financial aspect. Too many romance publishers really take advantage of naïve authors, locking them into some fairly brutal publishing agreements, with really low royalties. A lot of the times agents are to blame. They’ll tell you stuff like: “You really have to accept this deal! You’ll never make as much money on your own!”

Editors at the big five don’t get a free pass either. Sometimes they’ll tell you things like: “If you accept this deal, the parent company will buy movie rights and your book will be fast-tracked for production!” And so you’ll sign because it’s always been your dream to see your book become a movie, but then six months down the road the movie option rights expire and no movie is made.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Silver Milan: The freedom to be whoever I want. In all my books, I’m the heroine, living the life of my dreams. I’m in complete control of my destiny, able to do things, see things I could never do in real life. So I guess, setting my imagination free, that’s my favorite part of writing.

Can you tell us about your main character?

Silver Milan: The main character is a woman named Ariel who was bitten by a lion shifter and is now a shifter herself. She’s still traumatized by the incident, and when the story begins, she’s a bit broken, wandering the woods and randomly transforming into her lioness while running from the pride that did this to her.

Back when she had a life, she was a tile setter, lining the floors and walls of bathrooms with tiles to give homeowners gorgeous, magazine-quality bathrooms. On weekends she taught martial arts. Gracie Ju Jitsu to be exact. She’s a tough, self-reliant woman, used to being in charge, which is why the out-of-control lioness inside of her is so disturbing to her.

Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?

Silver Milan: Readers, I love you. Without you I would be nothing. Your Amazon reviews and messages of support have helped more than you know. Thank you for taking a chance on me in a time when no one else would, and I hope to keep you entertained for many years to come.

Random Quickies!

Pepsi or coke?  

Silver Milan: Coke

Favorite kind of chocolate?  

Silver Milan: White
Cats or dogs?  

Silver Milan: Cats

Do you read more than you write?  

Silver Milan: Write more

Hardback/Paperback or eReader?  

Silver Milan: eReader

Why do you like eReaders more?  

Silver Milan: No one can see the sexy covers when I’m reading on the bus ;)

Favorite color?  

Silver Milan: Red

How many paperback/hardcover books do you own?  

Silver Milan: 100s

Right now in your line of site, how many books can you see? 

Silver Milan: ~45

Do you own a laptop or desktop computer? 

Silver Milan: both

If a laptop, what kind do you own and would you recommend it to other authors? 

Silver Milan: Mac Book Pro

Have you ever been out of the state where you live?  

Silver Milan: Yes

Dragon’s First RuleDragons of MidnightBook OneSilver Milan

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Silver Milan
Date of Publication: October 1, 2017
Number of pages: 200
Word Count: 55,000
Cover Artist: Melody Simmons

When newly turned lion shifter Ariel stumbles into the realm of the dragon shifters, she catches the eye of the dangerously attractive dragon king, Jett, and the pair is swept up in a maelstrom of magic and forbidden passion.

Book Description:

Ariel, a newly turned lion shifter, stumbles into the subterranean city of Midnight, home of the dragon shifters. Alone and vulnerable, she catches the eye of the dangerously attractive dragon king. Jett. He charms her and promises help, but can she trust him? After all, he is the King of the Dragons. Why would such a powerful man come to the aid of a common girl?

When Jett realizes Ariel has no one, he vows to protect her, as the girl has been turned against her will in dragon territory. He plans not only to shield her, but to hunt down the very outlaw who hurt her.

But Jett soon finds himself growing attached to his quirky yet beautiful lion shifter. He begins a dangerous game with her, skirting the razor's edge of passion. He must take care because if he surrenders to his desire, he will forfeit not only his throne, but perhaps both of their lives.

Note: This book contains explicit love scenes and is intended for mature readers who like their paranormal romance on the steamier side. Inside you'll find sexy dragons, strong women, and kick-ass magic.


Ariel stared into the darkness. She could see a surprisingly good distance inside, thanks to her enhanced vision. Nothing stood out to her, and the terminus of the passage was lost to the murk. The darkness seemed welcoming, somehow.
It seemed safe to turn her back on the cave, and she did so, gazing out from the precipice to survey the valley in front of her. Ordinarily, she would have thought the wide, tree-filled expanse so beautiful. She loved nature and hiking. It was one of the reasons she had come out here in the first place. 
But she felt nothing now, only emptiness. She wondered if she would ever be able to appreciate such beauty again, given what she had become.
She glanced at the cave once more. Again, she felt drawn to it, but she shook her head.
Not going inside.
Though she was incredibly upset, she didn't have a death wish. There might be a bear or something sleeping inside. Or maybe a dragon, like that stupid sign had said. Wouldn't surprise her anymore, not in the least: she was being hunted by lions who could become humans, after all. And she was one of those lions.
For now, all she wanted was to get away from those hunters. She would stay here for a few hours, long enough to be sure the animals had gone away. And then she would climb back down and get the hell out of here.
And what then? Well, she figured she would have to live out the rest of her days in the woods. It would be a solitary life, away from the technology that drove modern society. She would have to give up all her friends and family.
Maybe she could get a sat-phone or something, so she could still talk to her family occasionally. But she couldn't return, at least not until she could get the beast inside of her under control. That was something she doubted would ever be possible. Then again, moments ago she had exerted her will on the lioness and prevented her from ripping out of her skin. That was something, at least. A reason to hope.
She sat down on the precipice and settled in for a long wait. She decided she would stay here until nightfall. That would be the best time to retreat, since her beast operated best in the dark.
But so do the other lions, she reminded herself.
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Well, she'd sit here for a while, and make up her mind on what she wanted to do.
Maybe a minute passed before she heard a voice behind her. "Well hello."
Ariel spun in fright; when she saw the man standing at the cave mouth, she momentarily forgot all fear, forgot where she was and how she got there, and instead simply stared, spellbound.
Standing in front of the cave entrance towered the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He had to be at least six and a half feet tall. He was too gorgeous to be a model. Too breathtaking to be a movie star. She got butterflies in her stomach just looking at him. Where to begin? His hair… oh yes, his hair. It was as if someone had taken several bars of gold and melted them down to form the bouncy curls that fell around that spectacular face. His eyes were a fiery gold like his hair, almost unnaturally so. They were almond-shaped and beguiling, shining with intelligence.
His broad, bold nose jutted aristocratically from his face, perfect in every way. The plump lips of his chiseled, sensuous mouth had such gorgeous curves—if any lips were created for kissing, it was those. He had a strong, aristocratic jaw that matched his nose, and blemish-free, smooth bronze skin.
His thickly corded neck disappeared into the collar of a black and gold dress shirt, whose sleeves were rolled back to the elbows, revealing his muscular forearms. Black and gold tribal dragons were tattooed from wrists to elbows on each arm. The shirt did little to conceal the outline of his wide, powerful shoulders, and the hard muscles of his pecs that pressed out from beneath the fabric. She could make out the lines of a six-pack.
A designer belt cinched his lean waist, and below that he wore dark-washed, fitted jeans. Her eyes lingered on his groin, where—
Ariel blinked as she realized the brazenness of what she was doing, and the spell broke. She quickly lifted her eyes back to his face.
The beautiful man's lips were upturned in amusement.
She realized she was stark naked and quickly covered her breasts with one arm, twisting her torso away and covering her bum with her other hand. She kept her gaze on him, staring at him over one shoulder.
"What are you looking at?" she said.
"I'm looking at you," he replied defiantly. She hadn't noticed it when he spoke before, but even his voice was sexy as hell.
As she gazed at his haughty expression, the fear returned. Not of him, but for him. 
"Are you one of them?" she said.
"One of who?" the man said, still smiling.
"You're obviously not a backpacker or camper," Ariel said. "You don't find many people who dress like European fashionistas in the wilderness of the Midwest."
"No, you don't," the man said hypnotically.
Then again, if he was one of the lion-men who pursued her, he would have been butt-naked, like her.
"Look, it's been a rough few days," she said. "I'm not in the mood for games."
"You seem in surprisingly good spirits to me," the man said.
She smiled fleetingly. "Call it a defense mechanism. Listen, if you're not one of them, then you're putting yourself at risk. I'm not someone you want to know. I have to get myself as far away from civilization as I can. Those lions did… something… to me. I could change at a moment's notice. You could die."
"Change?" he said.
She heard the distant roar of a lion echo from the valley below.
That triggered the beast, and the lioness in her clawed to get out. Clawed clawed clawed.

"I—" she said. But the words came out a growl. "Run," she managed to finish.

About the Author:

Silver Milan is a USA TODAY BESTSELLING author of paranormal romance and urban fantasy novels. Publishing under different pen names since 2013, Silver has sold more than 300,000 books.


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