Lenore Wolfe
About the Author:
Lenore grew up in Montana, and Alaska, and currently lives in central US. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, holds a BA in Sociology, from the University of Northern Colorado, with a minor in writing and is a student of the Shaman path.
Lenore Wolfe: Yes. I always loved historical romances, and I kept thinking I can do that. I wrote Dark Warrior in my twenties, and then sat on it for nearly 20 more years. I always had this burning drive inside of me. I kept thinking that I was supposed to be a writer, but I was busy raising kids, living on the mountain. And even when I got off the mountain, I went to college for 7 years. Yet the idea that I should be writing wouldn’t leave me alone. It was kind of torturous actually. I’m a very emotional, deep and passionate person, so it became my lifeline to journal.
The old races live much longer, so they have been preparing for such a war. If they lose, everything on Earth, as we know it, will change. The humans will become the livestock to a whole other race—a race who lives right here on earth and other races will become their slaves.
Lenore Wolfe: Never give up on your dreams, whatever they are. When you stop dreaming, you die inside, and then your body follows. And never stop believing.
Books by Lenore Wolfe
Dark Warrior
Doorway to the Triquetra
Coming Soon
The Fallen One (Son of the Dark Mother #1)--Expected Publication Date: January 2012
Find Lenore:
Goodreads | Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook
Lenore Wolfe has offered to giveaway one eBook copy of her novel Doorway of the Triquetra and two eBook copies of her up-coming release The Fallen One, A Son of the Dark Mother Novel!
Book Descrption:
Through the ancient power of the medallion, the Triquetra, Mira is the next Jaguar Witch, bound by the blood of the Jaguar to cross the doorway and learn the Way of the Stone. She must find the Doorway of the Triquetra, but each move she makes only leads her to a deeper mystery, where all of her past lives are bound--to four immortal men.
Book Descrption:
An ancient race and a prophesy fortells of four dark princes, the sons of the dark mother, who will rise up with a nation of old vamps to stop the rogue factions from ruling over mankind. Justice is the first in that prophesy, from the ancient Jaguar People. He is the Prince of Fire. Jess is one of the three sisters of the Jaguar witches who must help him to stop these factions of rogue vamps--or none of their lives will ever be the same.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
About the Author:
Lenore grew up in Montana, and Alaska, and currently lives in central US. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, holds a BA in Sociology, from the University of Northern Colorado, with a minor in writing and is a student of the Shaman path.
Lenore Wolfe is author of a couple titles, to name a few; Dark Warrior: To Tame a Wild Hawk, Doorway to the Triquetra and The Fallen One.
Holly: Hello, Lenore and thank you for being here! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Lenore Wolfe: Well, I was born in Montana and grew up between there and Alaska . I’m the mother of four grown children, three boys and one girl. I have 3 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. LOL, I’m a very young grandmother.:) I have so blessed with such beautiful grandchildren. I’m a full time author, and I draw, paint and sculpt when I’m not writing.
Holly: Do you remember when and how your love for writing began?

Then one day I realized something. How could I tell my children to reach for their dreams if I wasn’t reaching for mine? How could they believe—if I didn’t?
So I went after my dreams.
I love to write, paint, draw and sculpt. And I love to sing and dance. So I have several books in the works. I’m going to sing some songs and put them on Youtube, just to fulfill that dream, LOL, not because I’m that great as singing. I’m releasing my site in a few months for my paintings. (I’m painting angels right now. I plan to paint faeries, and then paint Goddesses). And maybe I’ll try out for a fitness competition so I can dance….
Holly: Can you tell us a little bit about your first novel, and the first in the Dark Cloth series, a Historical Romance called Dark Warrior: To Tame a Wild Hawk?
Lenore Wolfe: Dark Warrior is about a boy named Hawk, who grew up knowing the betrayal of someone he should have been able to trust. And through that betrayal, he gained another very powerful enemy.
He shares mystical visions with a woman he has spent other lifetimes with. They are destined to spend this lifetime together, too, but his enemy, McCandle, has other plans. He has killed Mandy’s father, and is determined to force her into marriage, thereby gaining control of her father’s lands.
Holly: What was your inspiration for this novel and its characters?
Lenore Wolfe: My father was an old mountain man. He grew up around the old cowboys, the ones who didn’t appreciate all the change. He wrote a wonderful novel, Kootenai Charlie, during the time I was writing Dark Warrior. I’d like to think I inspired him to do so, but, however he came about it, it shows his love for the land, the mountains and the Wild West. He instilled this love in me.
So it was the combination of my love for historical romance and the old stories of the west that inspired me to write To Tame a Wild Hawk. I later dubbed it, Dark Warrior.
Holly: Do you have plans for a second novel in this series anytime in the immediate future?
Lenore Wolfe: Yes. I plan to write Jake’s story, White Wolf’s story and Cord’s story.
Holly: Your second novel, Doorway to the Triquetra is an Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance and the first book in your Children of Atlantis Series. Can you tell us a little about this novel and the world you have created?
Lenore Wolfe: I’ve always loved Native American lore. I’m a student of old shaman beliefs and some pagan traditions too. These inspired the idea behind Doorway of the Triquetra. In Ireland and Scotland , etc, there is still a very real belief in the Fae. We’ve lost a lot of these stories, but they are very much alive in some places. So I took the ideas of the old folklore and brought them to life.
Holly: Historical Romance to Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance is kind of a big change, was it just that this novel went in a new direction or did you set out to writing an Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance?
Lenore Wolfe: I wanted to intertwine the old folklore into our modern culture, because we’ve lost a lot of our belief in a spirit world. It was still very much alive in our grandparents, so I had to take it all the way to the modern day era.
Holly: When do you expect book two will be published?
Lenore Wolfe: I’m hoping to publish the second book, Jaguar Witch, in the early spring.
Holly: You have a new book scheduled for publication this coming January called, The Fallen One, a new book in your Son of the Dark Mother series, which is a sister series of your Children of Atlantis. Can you tell us a little bit about this book?
Lenore Wolfe: Justice and Jes are both members of an ancient race of the Jaguar People. Justice, and his sisters, grew up preparing for a war, foretold by an ancient prophesy. This war would tell the future of mankind, but it would also tell the future of the other races who live on this earth, the ones with whom the human race is oblivious.
This war is a war between the old factions of vampires and the new ones who simply want the power to rule and dominate. But it is also a war with whom a very old and evil power has been setting up for the past several hundred years, perhaps even much longer. They have been slowly setting people into position, but since the human race dies off so quickly, they do not see the subtle changes taking place, changes that are placing these evil beings into position to take power.

The prophesy must be fulfilled….through four dark princes who must save mankind.
Holly: Which came first to you, the character(s), plot idea or other?
Lenore Wolfe: The characters. LOL, I have never liked vampire novels, until this novel. This one actually inspired me to read some others. I started out to write about a member of the Jaguar People who was forced to change too early, and the next thing I know Dracon is introducing himself to the story.
I don’t like war, and the next thing I know, I have whole factions of Jaguar People and old Vamps, going to war with rogue vampires. <grin> It’s amazing where these stories take you. I write just to see what happens next.:)
Holly: Your books are published by Triquetra Press Publications. Can you tell us a little bit about Triquetra Press Publications?
Lenore Wolfe: I do run it. I am hoping that as I get to know more and more about the publishing industry, and hopefully make my books be successful, that I will be able to help other Indie authors to become successful too. J
Holly: Can we expect anymore works from you in the coming year?
Lenore Wolfe: I have a very young adult series, The Realm of the Elemental Witch, and The Realm of the Jaguar Witch, coming out this spring. The first book is from the Realm of the Elemental Witch, is called Fire Sprite. Water Sprite will be released later in the spring.
I will also be releasing the 2nd book of the Sons of the Dark Mother, Embraced by Shadow in the late spring or early summer. This book is about Dracon’s story. And somewhere in the early spring I will release the 2nd book of The Children of Atlantis, Jaguar Witch.
Holly: Are you perhaps working on anything at the moment?
Lenore Wolfe: Yes. I’m working on my own story which will fall under four books of the series, Her Broken Wings Could Fly, and as soon as I release The Fallen One, I’ll start working on Fire Sprite and Jaguar Witch.:)
Holly: Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?

Holly: Do you think any authors have influenced you or your writing style? If so who and why?
Lenore Wolfe: Johanna Lindsay influenced my historical romance tremendously. Her men were just so hot.:) But I seem to be a world upon myself with the paranormal fantasy/dark fantasy. They even have quite a bit of paranormal romance in them. I’d have to say the largest influence in these is the idea of the spirit world, the idea of all the old fairy tales, all over the earth, and where they all came from, and the idea that we might be very arrogant to always believe we are the only race in existence.
From there I just ask, what if?
Books by Lenore Wolfe
Dark Warrior
Doorway to the Triquetra
Coming Soon
The Fallen One (Son of the Dark Mother #1)--Expected Publication Date: January 2012
Triquetra Doorway (A Realm of the Jaguar Witch novel)--Expected Publication Date: January 2012
Fire Sprite ( A Realm of the Elemental Witch Novel)--Expected Publication Date: February 8, 2012
Water Sprite ( A Realm of the Elemental Witch Novel)--Expected Publication Date: May 2, 2012
Her Broken Wings--Expected Publication Date: Spring 2012
Her Broken Wings--Expected Publication Date: Spring 2012
Find Lenore:
Goodreads | Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook
Lenore Wolfe has offered to giveaway one eBook copy of her novel Doorway of the Triquetra and two eBook copies of her up-coming release The Fallen One, A Son of the Dark Mother Novel!
Book Descrption:
Through the ancient power of the medallion, the Triquetra, Mira is the next Jaguar Witch, bound by the blood of the Jaguar to cross the doorway and learn the Way of the Stone. She must find the Doorway of the Triquetra, but each move she makes only leads her to a deeper mystery, where all of her past lives are bound--to four immortal men.
Book Descrption:
An ancient race and a prophesy fortells of four dark princes, the sons of the dark mother, who will rise up with a nation of old vamps to stop the rogue factions from ruling over mankind. Justice is the first in that prophesy, from the ancient Jaguar People. He is the Prince of Fire. Jess is one of the three sisters of the Jaguar witches who must help him to stop these factions of rogue vamps--or none of their lives will ever be the same.
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