AOTW- Greg X. Graves

Greg X. Graves

About the Author:
It all began with a single, massive point, an unfathomable amount of energy contained in a lump the size and texture of a raisin [author's interpretation]. Then the Big Bang banged, spewing chunky pieces of universe all over the rapidly-expanding walls of the universe. Material began coalescing into the first generation of stars, and their death resulted in the birth of heavy elements. In the Sol system, Earth formed from the corpses of those stars.

On Earth, a few pieces of carbon had a cuddle puddle, and life began. Millions of years after that, sex was invented by two adventurous organisms that wanted the cuddle puddle to lead somewhere. Still more years after that, some pioneering organism said “Hey, oxygen in air? Bitchin!” and it climbed out of the sea and onto a piece of rock.

And that’s the story of why Greg has dry skin.

Greg X Graves is a young, angry man who is full of shit ideas. He’s a rebel, baby. You can’t take him home to Mom and Dad, because he’ll probably just start railing against the Man and his stupid Establishment, and your parents will just be like “Whoa, Daughter, no way are you dating this hooligan,” and it’ll just be a whole big scene, and Greg’ll just be like “Whatever, toots,” and ride away on his bitchin’ hog and then everyone will be sorry. Except Greg, because he’s never sorry. Once, when he was nine, he accidently dropped some ice cream on the floor and didn’t apologize. He was just like “Whatever, toots,” and rode away on his bitchin’ hog.

Now Greg is trying to capitalize on this whole “internet” thing. When asked how exactly he intended to make money on the internet, Greg just said “Whatever, toots” and rode off on his bitchin’ hog. Into the sunset.


Interview with Greg X. Graves

HP: Greg X Graves, from your site we know you are a young writer who doesn't apologize for nothing and loves to ride away on his hog.-- Do you think you can tell us a little more about yourself?

Greg X. Graves: Sure.  For one, I love the sound of my keyboard.  I live in Rhode Island, the home state of HP Lovecraft and while I like the role that he played in the creation of Cosmic Horror as a genre, I absolutely cannot stand his turgid prose.  On the other hand, having the cultural background to depict an Ancient Evil as being absolutely banal (as is the case with my two non-Moral Guide short stories about Urgoth the Defiler) has developed into a fun plot device.  In the age before Wikipedia, why not summon an omniscient Elder Evil instead of loading up a page on rashes?

HP: You have three articles published online as of now. Two for 1889 Labs and one for Ergofiction Magazine. Do you enjoy doing the articles, kind of a side to writing?

Greg X. Graves: I have a Bachelor's degree in History, and an abandoned Masters in the same.  Non-fiction writing is where I first got my chops, and its where I return when I need something more concrete.  Additionally, I tend to prefer reading non-fiction - both for the reasons of extracting ore for my fiction smelting device as well as for pleasure - than reading fiction.  So writing articles is a delight.

HP: You have a book published with 1889 Labs. Can you tell us a little about what is was like working to get your book published there?

Greg X. Graves: A great bunch of people over there.  They kept me honest with my deadlines but were never FIRE AND BRIMSTONE about it - I just didn't want to disappoint them by getting something in late.  In other words, I wanted to disappoint them with content, not calendars.

Seriously, I can't thank them enough for all of their behind-the-scenes efforts.

HP: Your book "Bears, Recycling and Confusing Time Paradoxes: An Anthology of the Guide to Moral Living in Examples". Which is available at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Poowell's. Can you tell us a little about it? Where did you get the idea(s) from?

Greg X. Graves: It's a collection of selected entries from my online series, "The Guide to Moral Living in Examples."  Around forty-five selections (give or take) and with the addition of never-before-seen illustrations by my friend and collaborator Jeff Bent.  The ideas came from everywhere: music, movies, media, random encounters on the street.  They say that you can never stop being a writer, and I think that's only partially true: you can never stop being a participant in the world around you, and out of that activity comes the ideas that become stories.  For example, I frequently go out drinking with werewolves and hear lots of stories about how absolutely bizarre the local vampires are.  Boom, there's a Moral.

HP: Who designed the cover?

Greg X. Graves: MCM, chief madman over at 1889 Labs, and I think he did a spectacular job with it.

HP: How did you come up with the title for your novel?
Greg X. Graves: The folks at 1889 Labs and I went back and forth on the title.  We weren't quite sure how to approach the damn thing.  The Guide to Moral Living in Examples is, at best, a slippery beast.  In fact, quite a few of the stories involve slippery beasts.  There's not really a theme or concept that strongly expresses itself, besides the haphazard and magpie-esque qualities of it.  I will write a story about anything.  So we picked a few of the Morals, put 'em in the title and away we went.  The title became tentative and then permanent and now I can't imagine it being titled anything else.  Plus, the three things in the title are all of the good things in life.

HP: You also have another series: Codex Nekromantia, which you write online at your website, Can you give us an overview on this? Do you think this will end up as a e-novel as well?

Greg X. Graves: Definitely.  The good folks at 1889 Labs have decided to not learn from their mistakes and it will be published by them on September 1st, 2011, in both ebook as well as in print.

Codex Nekromantia is ostensibly about zombies, but it's really about people.  One of these people is a sandwich maker who moved across the country to be with his girlfriend, who then dumped his ass, and now he wants to rescue her to show her what a mistake that she'd made.

Another person summoned the great and terrible necromancer Arkephalous, who cursed the populace to create the zombies, but is having second thoughts.

And for those in the know, they are slow zombies caused by a necromancer's curse, not fast zombies caused by a virus.  Because I'm so old school, they had to condemn the building due to a zombie infestation.

HP: You have at least five short stories on you web page. Do the stories have anything that is constant in them all?

Greg X. Graves: Not specifically.  I have tone and length requirements for the Guide to Moral Living in Examples that I try to meet, requirements that do not bind the short stories.  That's where you'll find my SRS BZNIZ short stories like Stluka Island, which concerns an expedition to Antarctica gone wrong.

HP: What are your goals for your writing(s)?

Greg X. Graves: I've said it before, and I'll say it again: my goal for my writing is to earn enough money to visit a castle and high-five a ghost.

HP: Do you think your upbringing influenced your writing in anyway?
Greg X. Graves: No doubt.  I was homeschooled, and spent a lot of time pursuing my own interests, frequently through books.  My local library became as hallowed a ground as I'd ever known, showing me all the nooks and crannies in the world, from the esoteric areas of science as well as the forgotten dungeons beneath faraway castles and fortresses.  That's a great stew in which to simmer a young mind.

Also, I grew up next to forest preserve.  Staring into the inky tangle of trees on a moonlight night did wonders for my brain.

HP: How long have you been writing?

Greg X. Graves: Ever since I can remember.  I took a regrettable hiatus from it during high school.  I revisited it and began writing regularly and with purpose in 2003.  So, it took about eight years from "hey, this is pretty awesome" to published work.  Along with a horror anthology self-published in 2006 that has sunk into the mists of time, where it belongs.

HP: Are you working on anything new? If so can you share a little of your current work with us?

Greg X. Graves: My main focus right now is my novel Codex Nekromantia.  Beyond that, I've begun the outline for its sequel (oh yes, it's a series!) and I'm in the too-early-to-be-specific stages on an alternate history project with another author.  And, of course, the Guide to Moral Living in Examples, which is still going strong and lifting all kinds of heavy weights and generally getting more and more pumped.

HP: What books have most influenced your life and why and how did it influence you?
Greg X. Graves: You couldn't just let me have a fluffy interview, could you?  Had to ask the hard-hitting investigative journalist questions, eh?  One major influence on my life was/is Calvin and Hobbes.  The terse narrative that Bill Watterson could express in a short bundle of frames impressed the hell out of me, both for emotional impact as well as the economy of expression.  Another major influence that, on my good days, I hope comes through the Guide to Moral Living in Examples is Kurt Vonnegut's short stories, as collected in "Bagombo Snuff Box" and "Welcome to the Monkey House."  They introduced me to the world of adult, playful fiction - something that I think is conspicuously absent from most reading lists.

Another major influence is Raymond Chandler, and especially The Long Goodbye, which is my absolute favorite novel.  His characters, his scenes, and his world emerge from the page like no other.

HP: Can we expect any more books from you in the future?

Greg X. Graves: Until my bones turn to dust.  Here's hoping that ghosts can still type.

HP: Do you have anything you would like to say to your reader and future readers?

Greg X. Graves: Two words say it best: thank you.

HP: If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be?

Greg X. Graves: Aliens, ghosts, monsters and all the most interesting things exist, even if only in our heads.  But remember that the most important things in our lives, memories and relationships, dwell there, too.  Just because you can't touch them doesn't mean they're not real.
HP: Thank you so much for this interview Greg! I have to say it is one of the most entertaining/interesting ones I have done so far!! :)


Books by Greg X. Graves
Bears, Recycling and Confusing Time Paradoxes: An Anthology of the Guide to Moral Living in Examples
Available in Ebook at Kindle US, Kindle UK and Smashwords and in Print at || ||, Barnes & Nobles and Powell’s

Coming Soon
Codex Nekromantia-- Expected Publication: September 1st 2011

Short Stories

Articles written by Greg X. Graves
Crowdsourced LegitimacyErgofiction Magazine. December 2010
A Walk Through Digital Publishing1889 Labs. March 2011
Digital Publishing and Traditional Media1889 Labs. April 2011

You can also find Greg at:
Twitter: @burnfirewalls

His Website


Greg X. Graves has offered to giveaway two Ebook copy's of his anthology-- Bears, Recycling and Confusing Time Paradoxes!!

Book Description:

"The dragon bit Pa right through the middle.

"Ha!" announced Pa, "I'm a vampire! Your teeth can't hurt me!"

"But I am an old dragon, and I have wooden teeth!"

"Shite!" bellowed Pa, before disappearing into a wisp of oily smoke that smelled of black peppercorns and lemon zest."

"Do you want to recycle but aren’t sure how?

Are you concerned that a potential suitor may be a vampire?

Have you attended a job interview only to be greeted by Hideous Telepathic Space-faring Lizardmen in Mansuits?

The Guide to Moral Living in Examples educates on these and many more common moral conundrums, offering bite-sized advice for nearly every improbable situation. Fueled by years of unintentional research on the connections between robotic bears, talking tattoos, and the best type of soap to remove irremovable rings, Greg X. Graves gives simple, friendly yet essential guidance on the twisted path to moral life.

With an introduction by Brenton Harper-Murray and stunning illustrations by Jeff Bent, this anthology is a must-have for young and old aspiring moralists alike."

Giveaway Details
  • Giveaway is open to US & Canada, and International.
  • The giveaway will run from May 30th 2011 - June 12th 2011 
  • The winners will be contacted and announced on June 13th 2011. The winners will have 48 hours to contact back before another will be chosen.
  • One entree per-person please! 
  • This giveaway is provided by the author.

To Enter: 

AOTW- A.M. Harte

A.M. Harte

About the Author:
I am an author with many aspirations, amongst which sampling chocolate from every country in the world and finally managing to catch up on my sleep.
An avid reader, I’ve been writing fiction far longer than anybody’s been paying attention. I am fascinated by the untapped potential of digital content, particularly when it comes to indie publishing and the online fiction community. 

I am the Editor-in-Chief of 1889 Labs, commissioning projects and just generally ordering people around. I also have volunteered as an editor for Web Fiction Guide and run my own online publishing project, qazyfiction. And just to kill myself a little more, I try to do my bit in helping other authors by running a review blog, quillsandzebras.
During the daytime I work at a legal publishers’. I live in London, a city not half as foggy as some seem to think.


Interview with A.M. Harte

HP: A.M. Harte -- From your blog one can discern that you are a very busy and devoted individual. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

A.M. Harte: I'm a twenty-something London-based author who should really learn when to say "no". You're right: I'm far too busy. On top of my day job, I'm an indie author, the editor of Canadian publisher 1889 Labs, a book reviewer, and I'm even part of a team that's developing a new podcast dedicated to webfiction. When I get excited about new projects I always agree to take part before thinking twice, but it's better to be this way than to miss out on an opportunity. You only live once, after all. Might as well bite off more than you can chew, and then chew as furiously as a rock star!

Have you always lived in London?

A.M. Harte: Nope! I'm one of those confusing kids. I was born in Belgium, lived in Spain for a short while, then spent the bulk of my formative years in Milan, Italy. I moved to London just under six years ago, which I think is long enough to start considering myself a Londoner. I certainly feel most at home in London, after all, and can't really imagining living anywhere else.

HP: You are the Editor-in-Chief of 1889 Labs, "an independent publisher dedicated to producing the best strange fiction conceivable by the human brain". How did you get this job, if you don't mind my asking? What do you do on a regular day? Do you enjoy it?

A.M. Harte: I met the publisher of 1889 Labs, MCM, through the online fiction community a couple years ago. He did a crazy thing where he wrote a novel live in three days, and somehow we ended up being friends after that. Then a couple months ago, we were both at a loose end and began bouncing ideas off of each other for cool projects we wanted to launch, and before I knew it I was hired!

What I do on a day-to-day basis changes regularly. I was mainly brought on to hunt down and discover talented authors whose work we'd like to publish, and I handle everything from the initial idea pitch to MCM, through to liaising with the author, setting the publishing schedule, proofing, etc -- it's all about being organized and making sure everything is ticking over smoothly.

On a large scale, MCM and I are working together to expand 1889 Labs and push new publishing boundaries, whether it's through crazy livewriting stunts, experimental business models, or fun projects we've always wanted to do but never had the time to. For example, right now, for the whole month of May, I've organized a month-long promotion called Party Like It's 1889, where we're giving away dozens of prizes such as ebooks, paperbacks, Amazon vouchers, and even the grand prize of a Kindle!

You have a novel that just came out January 2011 called Hungry For You-- which is available at From what I could find the book is a collection of short stories by you. Can you tell us about it?  What was the writing process like? Is the set of short stories what you set out to write or did it just happen over time?

A.M. Harte: “Hungry For You” is a zombie love speculative fiction anthology which takes a hard look at love and death, because at the end of the day, what else is there to write about? The collection is a study of extremes, from all-enduring love to twisted relationships, from traditional brain-eating zombies to thinking, sentient creatures. Perhaps my favorite description of the book is from one of my reviewers, Lauren Smith (from Violin in a Void) who said: “Hungry For You makes zombies less scary, more revolting, but also morbidly fascinating. It’s smart and spunky, bringing together horror, tragedy, romance and dark humor.”

I didn't set out with the intention of writing a collection of stories. An author friend, Lori Titus, challenged me to take part in a zombie love flash fiction contest. I hated zombies at the time, so decided to challenge myself to take part. As soon as I started writing I realized there was a lot of potential in the subject, and more and more story ideas kept appearing out of nowhere. Somewhere into my third story, I decided I'd make a collection. So it's been a pretty unexpected experience!

HP: You have another book coming out in September 2011, the first of your new series, Above Ground. Can you tell us a little about the first book and the idea for the series? Where do you plan to go with this series as a whole?

A.M. Harte: Above Ground is a post-apocalyptic adventure fantasy set in a world where humans live underground and monsters live on the surface. Lilith Gray is a human girl who inadvertently becomes trapped above ground after a day trip to the surface ends in bloodshed. Forced to rely on a taciturn werewolf who saves her against his will, Lilith must struggle to survive as she makes her way back home... or die trying.

At it's core, Above Ground is about self-discovery, because the only way you can carve a place for yourself in a hostile world is by understanding who you are. I've been working on the Above Ground series for around three years now, so the story is very close to my heart. I expect the series to ultimately become a trilogy, but I'm focusing on getting the first book polished and published, first!

HP: Can you tell us a little about speculative fiction from your point of view?

A.M. Harte: I'm a bit of a daydreamer, so I've always been drawn to speculative fiction. I love to spend time wondering about what life could be like in an alternate universe where magic exists, or demons are real, or cars run on toothpaste. When reading or writing speculative fiction, you can really let your imagination go and wonder: What if?

The hard part is making all the crazy things you imagine make sense. Whether you have werewolves or vegetarian zombies, your story needs to be coherent and consistent -- everything must be plausible in the world you've built, or a reader won't be able to sink into the story and truly escape.

HP: What are your goals as a writer?

A.M. Harte: To be read! What other goal would a writer have?

Of course, everyone would love to win awards and make millions and have huge displays in brick-and-mortar stores, but at the end of the day, I write because I want to share my dreams and stories with others. Eventually I would love to be able to inspire others, and perhaps even get readers writing fanfiction of my work!

HP: You wrote a short story in the anthology-- Other Sides: 12 Webfiction Tales. Your story, Belonging, is a prequel actually, to the Above Ground series. Which can be downloaded for free at your blog. Can you tell us a little of the process that goes into writing an anthology?

A.M. Harte: The first step in writing an anthology is figuring out what your anthology will be about. There should generally be a common theme or topic throughout all the stories, so that reading them together makes sense. Then you've got to pick a word count and overall length for the whole collection, so you have a rough estimate of how long each story should be. Then it's write, write, write!

Writing an anthology is both fun and frustrating. It's fun because you can explore so many ideas at the same time, and each story is quick and intense, because your space is limited. But it's frustrating because you can never fully sink into one story and world -- at the back of your mind is the constant thought that this is only one small part of a greater whole of work you need to get done!

HP: I think I have to ask, because it is something everyone loves to know from authors-- How did you start writing?

A.M. Harte: I have no idea. I've been writing since, well, forever. I can't really remember when or how I began! As a teenager I used to write a lot of fanfiction, which gave me the space to practice my craft -- I don't think I'd be half as good a writer now if I hadn't had that background. Eventually I grew tired of writing about other people's characters, and began writing about my own. But I could never finish a story.

Then, three or so years ago, I stumbled across the webfiction community, and decided to post my writing online, chapter by chapter. Having a weekly deadline really encouraged me to write more regularly, and I finally finished my first novel. Since then it's just been onwards and upwards, setting myself continual deadlines to keep the writing flowing.

HP: You have a review blog, Again I have to ask-- but for my own curiosity-- How do you manage all the things you do--writing, publishing, ect.-- and still have time to read and review books?

A.M. Harte:
I can't not read; it makes me unhappy, just like if I go for long enough without writing, I become really cranky. It's my love of books and stories that got me into writing in the first place, so it would be strange to stop reading! It helps that I have a half an hour's commute into work every morning, which is when I do the bulk of my reading.

I also think it's essential for authors to read as much as possible. Reading (and reviewing) other people's work helps you improve as a writer, because you learn what works and what doesn't in a story. Besides, I know how much I appreciate reviews of my own work, so it seems fair to spread the love and give back to the community!

HP: Did you set out with the intent of being an author, publisher, and editor-in-chief? Or it just something that happened over time?

A.M. Harte: Like with most things in my life, I kind of fell into it all. When I started writing it was something I was doing only for fun, with no expectation that I'd have a book published. Likewise, working as Editor-in-Chief at 1889 Labs wasn't ever something I planned on doing -- it just happened. I think it helps that I always keep my mind open to new opportunities and tend to say yes to new ventures, although I must say I have been pretty lucky in that so far, nothing bad has ever happened to my saying "yes"!

HP: Are you reading any interesting books at the moment?

A.M. Harte: I'm currently re-reading "Bears, Recycling and Confusing Time Paradoxes" by Greg X. Graves (link: ).

It's a hilarious anthology of Aesop-like fables, each ending with an unexpected tongue-in-cheek "moral". Among my favorite stories is one where Graves explores how we could avoid the energy crisis by creating a dinosaur-breeding program -- that way when they die, we could bury them and continually create more fossil fuels.

It's quite wacky stuff, but it's unlike anything you'll find anywhere else -- I highly recommend it!

HP: Is there anything you would like to say to your readers and future readers?

A.M. Harte:
Let's stick with something simple: Thank you! I wouldn't be writing if it weren't for you.

(Oh, and dear future reader, are there really flying cars in the future? If so, please send one back in time to me.)

HP: What do you do to unwind and relax?

A.M. Harte: One of my favorite ways to relax is to lie in bed and daydream, but the problem is that just ends up creating more work for me as I eventually come up with yet another story idea!

No rest for the wicked, I suppose, although I do procrastinate a lot by reading, finding yet more cat videos on youtube, oversleeping, and occasionally hitting the streets of London to party my socks off. And let's not forget eating chocolate. Lots of it. Mmm....

HP: Thanks for taking the time to do this interview for us A.M. Harte!!!


Books by A.M. Harte
Hungry For You
Available in ebook format at Kindle US, Kindle UK also at Smashwords and in Paperback at,,, Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository, Chapter’s and Powell’s

Other Sides: 12 Webfiction Tales
Available in ebook format at Kindle (US), Kindle (UK) and Smashwords and in Paperback at Amazon

Short Stories
Second Sight, to be featured in the Tales for Canterbury anthology
Dead Meat, posted on iamcheckedout, April 1 2011.
Swan’s Act, in the 12 Days 2010 anthology, December 2010.
The Kill, in Flashes In The Dark, November 1 2010.
Belonging, in Ergofiction‘s Other Sides anthology, October 14 2010.
The Perfect Song, in The Random Eye Magazine [defunct], January 2010.

Coming Soon
Above Ground, book 1 in the Above Ground Series-- Coming September 2011

You can also find A.M. Harte at:



A.M. Harte has offered to giveaway an Ebook copy of her book-- Hungry For You!! She will provide the winner with a Smashwords coupon so they can download it in whatever format works best for them.

Book Description:

""There is no greater drug than relationships; there is no sweeter death than love."

Love is horrible. It’s ruthless, messy, mind-altering, and raw. It takes no prisoners. It chews you up and spits you out and leaves you for dead. Love is, you could say, very much like a zombie.

In this haunting short story collection, anything is possible—a dying musician turns to tea for inspiration; a police sergeant struggles with a very unusual victim; a young wife is trapped in a house hiding unimaginable evil….

With "Hungry For You", A.M. Harte explores the disturbing and delightful in an anthology that unearths the thin boundary between love and death.

Giveaway Details: 
  • Open to US & Canada & International
  • Giveaway will run from May 23rd 2011 - June 3rd 2011
  • Winner will be announced and contacted on June 4th 2011. The winner has 48 hours to contact back before another will be chosen.
  • This giveaway is provided by the author.
  • One entry per-person please!

To Enter:

AOTW- Roxanne St. Claire

Roxanne St. Claire

About the Author:
Roxanne St. Claire is a bestselling author of nearly thirty novels of romance and suspense.  A four-time nominee and one time winner of the prestigious RITA Award for outstanding romantic fiction, her books have also won the National Reader’s Choice Award for best romantic suspense for two consecutive years, as well as the Daphne du Maurier Award, the HOLT Medallion, the Maggie, Booksellers Best, Book Buyers Best, five Awards of Excellence, the Aspen Gold and many others

Prior to launching a full time career as a novelist in 2003, Roxanne spent most of her professional life as a marketing executive and public relations consultant.  She is a graduate of UCLA, an active member of several national writing organizations, and a lecturer on a wide range of writing-related topics.  She lives in Satellite Beach, Florida with her husband and their two teenagers, and if you know her, you call her Rocki.


Interview with Roxanne St. Claire

HP: On your page you say that you wrote one manuscript and turned it in and your agent told you to write another one fast. That second book you said was published as Tropical Getaway. Was Tropical Getaway a version of the first manuscript or is it another book entirely?

Roxanne St. Claire: Tropical Getaway was an entirely new and different book.  My first manuscript never sold, since it really was a “learner” book, something a lot of writers have to produce before they can write a publishable book.  Lots of people have asked if I will self-publish my first book, but I’ve decided it’s really better where it is: in a drawer! 

HP: You have had two books published this year, both of them last month, April. Do you have any more books planned for this year?

Roxanne St. Claire: I won’t have any more books out until 2012, when I will have three released.  I don’t have firm titles or dates, but there will be two books in a new contemporary series and one young adult in 2012.  As soon as the books are titled and scheduling is firm, I’ll put them up on my web site.

HP: The Guardian Angelinos series is your newest series and a spin off of your Bullet Catcher series. Can you tell us a little about the series? Does this series have many similarities with the Bullet Catcher's?

Roxanne St. Claire: The Guardian Angelinos are a security and investigation firm made up of an extended, blended Italian family based in Boston. They are passionate, close, intelligent, relentless, and joined in the effort to build their firm into one of the best in the business. Unlike the very well-funded and super-staffed Bullet Catchers, the Angelinos work a little under the radar of the law, and they run on a smaller budget, way more dependent on street smarts than top-level technology. Where the Bullet Catchers attract the most elite clientele, based on the owner’s extensive contacts within the top levels of government and law enforcement, the Guardian Angelinos are a smaller, less sophisticated operation, but the results are the same: passion and danger are always on the scene, the super hot alpha hero gets the feisty heroine, and the bad guys go down in the end.

Is there a basis in each book that is consent for all three books in The Guardian Angelinos books? Do you plan to write more than the three?

Roxanne St. Claire: The first book in the series, EDGE OF SIGHT, featured Zach Angelino, who had to protect his former lover after she witnessed a crime. In SHIVER OF FEAR, Zach’s cousin, Marc Rossi, accepts an assignment to travel to Northern Ireland to find a person of interest for the FBI. In FACE OF DANGER, Vivi Angelino takes on the job as a body double when an Oscar winning actress is targeted by a serial killer, but the FBI isn’t exactly enthused about the idea.

Like all of my romantic suspense novels, there is a highly charged and emotional relationship at the heart of a thrill, edge-of-your-seat suspense. I hope that is consistent in every book.

I would love to write more of the Guardian Angelinos, but right now there are no books under contract. My publisher has asked me to write a quartet of contemporary romances, and I’ve accepted that challenge, and am having a blast! I also have my first young adult novel coming out next year in hardcover, and I’m hoping to continue in that subgenre as well. 

But I have to write more Angelino books! I simply don’t know when or for whom...stay tuned!

HP: Your new book FACE OF DANGER The Guardian Angelinos Book #3 is coming out in May. This book is about, Private investigator Vivi Angelino and the FBI's Assistant Special Agent in Charge Colton Lang. Can you tell us what inspired their story or the characters themselves?

Roxanne St. Claire: I have to be honest and say that FACE is by far and away my favorite in the series, and possibly of all my romantic suspense novels.  There was just some magic at the keyboard with that book, probably because Vivi and Lang are two of the most vivid and delightful characters who ever appeared in my imagination. 

The story itself was inspired by an article I read in the local paper about a woman who made a living working as a celebrity look-a-like; naturally my suspense writer’s brain started spinning!  What if she were mistaken for the real actress…by someone who wanted to kill the star, not the look-a-like? I held on to that story thread for years, until Vivi came along and I knew she’d be the perfect character for the role.
Vivi showed up fully formed when I wrote the first book in the series – a spunky skater girl with spiky hair, a nose ring, and an attitude.  But when I wrote FACE OF DANGER, I had to dig deeper and I was shocked to learn her backstory and delighted to discover her huge heart and capacity for love.  She’s a smart mouth, though, and a rule breaker, and that is always a fun character to write.

HP: Your novel Killer Curves introduces us to Beau Lansing and Celeste Bennett. Can you tell us a little about them and this book?

Roxanne St. Claire: I wrote that book a long time ago and it’s out of print now, sadly, but it remains one of my very, very favorite books. I decided in 2000 that I wanted to write a sports hero (I had not yet sold a book and was still writing for fun and dreams) and my husband kept telling me I should check out NASCAR because it was really growing in popularity. I hesitated, because I didn’t know anything about the sport, but when I started researching and watching races, I was hooked. I think my genuine love for the sport is on the page with that book, and I hope readers can still find it. I adore that book and really wish it weren’t out of print – still available as an ebook, though!

HP: French Twist your second novel has a French setting. What inspired this story? Have you ever been to France?

Roxanne St. Claire: I am a bona fide Francophile and love all things French.  Years ago, I visited Versailles and was absolutely taken with the setting, certain I’d lived there in another life! When my editor suggested a French setting, the story of a former thief and a museum curator on the run from the law and the bad guys was born.  The first few chapters are set in Versailles, then the story moves to wine country – a great journey and a fun love story to write.

HP: Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one you enjoyed writing the most?

Roxanne St. Claire: That seems to be the theme of this interview! FACE OF DANGER is my current favorite. I also love my one and only chick lit, a book written entirely in emails and texts, called HIT REPLY. Also, sadly out of print (well, available for a really high price on Amazon) but can be purchased as an ebook. I still get mail on that book, and I know it somehow hit a chord with a lot of readers who wonder what would happen if that certain “ex” suddenly showed up in your email box?

Do you listen to music when you write?

Roxanne St. Claire: Never. I need dead silence when I write because I go so deep into a scene that I see and hear the entire thing unfold as I write it.  Music, conversation, even the hum of my computer when it’s running a scan is distracting to me.

HP: Which comes first for you, the plot or the characters?

Roxanne St. Claire: Most of the time, not always, the plot comes to me before the characters do. I have had a few books where that wasn’t the case, but generally, I think of a story premise, and then craft the characters who can tell that story with the most amount of emotion.

HP: Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?

Roxanne St. Claire: Just thank you for trying my books and, if you like them, spreading the word! I love to hear from readers and I appreciate every single one of you!!

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask – I’ll pop in today and answer anything! I love to interact with readers. And I love to give away books! Leave a comment or questions and we’ll pick one winner at random to receive an autographed copy of EDGE OF SIGHT, the first book in the Guardian Angelinos series. (If the winner already has that book, she can pick anything from my backlist!)

Thank you, Holly, for this wonderful opportunity and honor! 

HP: It was a pleasure to have you here Rocki!!


Books by Roxanne St. Claire
Bullet Catcher Series
#1: Kill Me Twice
#2: Thrill Me To Death

#3: Take Me Tonight
#4: You Can Count on Me
#5: First You Run
#6: Then You Hide
#7: Now You Die
#8: Reason to Believe
#9: Hunt Her Down
#10: Make Her Pay

Available at 

The Guardian Angelinos Series
#0.5: Taken to the Edge-- Free read here.
#1: Edge of Sight
#2: Shiver of Fear
#3: Face of Danger

Available at

Single Titles
Romantic Suspense Novels, Chick Lit & NASCAR Books

Killer Curves
French Twist
Tropical Getaway
Hit Reply
'Tis the Silly Season

Silhouette Desire Category Romances
The Highest Bidder: Dynasties: The Ashton's
The Intern Affair: Dynasties: The Elliotts
The CEO's Scandalous Affair
His Style of Seduction
The Sins Of His Past
Like a Hurricane
The Fire Still Burns
When the Earth Moves
Single-Titles are available at 

Coming Soon
Don't You Wish-- Expected publication: 2012 by Delacourte

Awards & Recognitions 
*A Rita (and five total nominations)
*Multiple National Reader's Choice Awards
*Multiple Awards of Excellence
*A Daphne du Maurier for Best Romantic Suspense
*A Holt Medallion, the Book Buyers Best
*The Booksellers Best
*The Maggie
*The Gayle Wilson
*The Golden Quill
**Edge of Sight has been nominated for the prestigious RITA Award in the Romantic Suspense category! The awards ceremony will be held in New York City on July 1, 2011!!

Find Rocki at:
Her blog-- Murder She Writes
Her website

AOTW- Jennifer Estep

Jennifer Estep

About the Author:
I write the Elemental Assassin adult urban fantasy series for Pocket. Books in the series are SPIDER'S BITE, WEB OF LIES, and VENOM.

Two more books will be released in 2011 -- TANGLED THREADS in May 2011 and SPIDER'S REVENGE in October 2011. Also, HAINTS AND HOBWEBS: AN ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN SHORT STORY will appear in THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF GHOST ROMANCE in October 2011.

I also write the Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series for Kensington. TOUCH OF FROST, the first book in the series, will be out in August 2011. KISS OF FROST, the second book, will hit shelves in December 2011. FIRST FROST, a prequel e-story to the series, will be out in July.

I'm also the author of the Bigtime paranormal romance series. Books in that series are KARMA GIRL, HOT MAMA, and JINX.

Excerpts, free short stories, and more for all my books can be found on my website at

I love reading all genres, but my favorites are fantasy, romance, and spy thrillers -- or a combination of all three. ;-)


Interview with Jennifer Estep
HP: How did you come up with the idea for your Elemental Assassin series?

Jennifer Estep: I’ve always loved reading about assassin characters, especially in fantasy literature. One day, I just thought that it would be cool to come up with my own assassin character with my own magic and world building. That was the start of my Elemental Assassin series.

The books focus on Gin Blanco, an assassin code named the Spider who can control the elements of Ice and Stone. When she’s not busy killing peo ple and right ing wrongs, Gin runs a bar be cue restaurant called the Pork Pit in the fictional Southern metropolis of Ashland. The city is also home to giants, dwarves, vampires, and elementals – Air, Fire, Ice, and Stone.

Books in the series are Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, Venom, and Tangled Threads, which just came out on April 26.

HP: Do you ever get any backlash about the Elemental Assassin series? I would assume there is a lot of controversy about assassins in general, or does it mostly never get mentioned (badly) by readers?

Jennifer Estep: No, I haven’t really gotten any backlash. My books are urban fantasies, and the genre features everything from vampires to werewolves to giants to gods. It seems like a lot of the urban fantasy books feature a dark, gritty tone right now, so an assassin character seems to fit right in with the rest of the genre.

HP: SPIDER'S REVENGE the fifth book in your Elemental Assassin series come out in October 2011. Do you think this book will draw the series to a close? If so, do you think you will do a spin of the series or connecting one?

Jennifer Estep: The big story arc with my heroine Gin and her nemesis, Mab, will be wrapped up in Spider’s Revenge. But I’ve just signed on to write at least two more books in the series, #6 and #7, both of which should be out in 2012. I think I still have a lot of Gin stories left to tell.

HP: You are writing a Young Adult series, Mythos Academy about a girl named Gwen Frost. You have the first two books set for this year-- amazing by the way-- and First Frost, a prequel e-story to the series, set for July this year. Can you give us the run down on what this series is about and maybe a little about Gwen herself?

Jennifer Estep: Of course. The books focus on Gwen Frost, a 17-year-old Gypsy girl who has the gift of psychometry, or the ability to know an object’s history just by touching it. After a serious freak-out with her magic, Gwen is shipped off to Mythos Academy, a school for the descendants of ancient warriors like Spar tans, Valkyries, Amazons, and more.

The first book, Touch of Frost, will be out in August, while the second book, Kiss of Frost, will hit shelves in December. First Frost, a prequel e-short story to the series, will be out in July.

HP: What was/is the research for Mythos Academy like? I assume you had to do a lot of fact finding for the Spar tans, Valkyries, ect. of the book(s).

Jennifer Estep: The thing I like about writing urban fantasy is that you can make up the whole thing – you can create your own characters with their own magic and put them in any kind of world/setting that you want to. However, I did do some research about various myths, gods, mythological monsters, and more for the books. It was a lot of fun to look at some of these classic mythological stories and then think of how I could put my own spin on things and incorporate mythological elements into the world that I’ve created in my books.

HP: You write another series Bigtime. From the descriptions of the three books, Karma Girl, Hot Moma and Jinx, you have created a very intriguing world. Can you tell us a little about it?

Jennifer Estep: Of course. The Bigtime books feature sexy superheroes, evil ubervillains, and smart, sassy gals looking for love. Titles in the series are Karma Girl (2007), Hot Mama (2007), and Jinx (2008). Basically, the books are just fun, campy takes on comic book-type superheroes and villains.

HP: You have at least 5 more books set for 2011 so far. Do you have any plans for more books this year?

Jennifer Estep: Spider’s Revenge, the fifth book in my Elemental Assassin series, will be released in October. Like I said before, the first book in my Mythos Academy series, Touch of Frost, will be out in August, while the second book, Kiss of Frost, will hit shelves in December. First Frost, a prequel e-short story to the series, will be out in July.

That’s all that I have planned for this year as of right now. Folks can visit for excerpts, free short stories, and more.

Do you think any of your characters reflect you in any way?

Jennifer Estep: I think I’m like Gin in that I like to cook and read just like she does, but that’s probably the only way in which we are similar. Gin is definitely much stronger physically and mentally than I am. I wish I was as tough as she was. LOL.

HP: How did you first get published?

Jennifer Estep: I wrote my first book – a really bad epic fantasy – one summer during college. After that, I just kept on writing, getting a little better with every book. Eventually, after about seven years, I sold the seventh book that I wrote, which was Karma Girl, the first book in my Bigtime paranormal romance series.

HP: Do you have an author(s) that inspired you to write? How did you start writing?

Jennifer Estep: I’ve always loved to read ever since I was a kid. One day, I had the thought that I think a lot of authors do after they’ve read something that maybe wasn’t so good – Why, I could write something better than that. So I decided to sit down and try writing a book. It wasn’t a very good book, but I’d been bitten by the writing bug, so I wrote another book and another one … and I haven’t stopped writing since.

HP: Do you have a favorite book(s)?

Jennifer Estep: I don’t think I could pick just one book. LOL. Some of my favorite authors are Robin McKinley, Ian Fleming, Donald Westlake, Robert Parker … I could go on all day!

HP: Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?

Jennifer Estep: I just want to say thanks to all the readers, reviewers, bloggers, and other folks out there who love and talk about books. There are so many great books out there, and it’s just really humbling to know that people give my books a chance. It always makes my day when I get a nice email from someone saying that they enjoyed one of my books. Happy reading, everyone! ;-)

HP: I want to thank you Jennifer Estep, for being on my blog and this wonderful interview. Jennifer has also offered to giveaway one copy of her newest book in the Elemental Assassins series, Tangled Threads! Details at the bottom. 


Books by Jennifer Estep
Elemental Assassin Series

#1: Spider's Bite
#2: Web of Lies   
#3: Venom
#4: Tangled Threads
For more information about short stories go here.

Excerpts & More for Ele­men­tal Assas­sin :
Book one: Spider’s Bite. Read the first chap­ter.
Book two: Web of Lies. Read the first chap­ter.
Book three: Venom. Read the first chapter.
Book four: Tan­gled Threads. Read the first chap­ter.
Book five: Spider’s Revenge. Read the first chap­ter.
Short story: Haints and Hob­webs, fea­tured in The Mam­moth Book of Ghost Romance anthol­ogy. Click here to read an excerpt.

Excerpts & More for Mythos Academy:
Book one: Touch of Frost. Read the first two chap­ters.

Bigtime Series
#1: Karma Girl
#2: Hot Mama
#3: Jinx

Excerpts & More for Bigtime:
Book one: Karma Girl. Read the first chap­ter.
Book two: Hot Mama. Read the first chap­ter.
Book three: Jinx. Read the first chap­ter.

Coming out soon
Spider’s Revenge (Elemental Assassin #5)-- Expected publication: September 27th 2011
Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy #1)-- Expected publication: July 26th 2011 by Kensington Publishing Corporation
Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy #2)-- Expected publication: November 29th 2011 by Kensington
Dark Frost (Mythos Academy #3)--  Expected publication: 2012 by Kensington

Bookmarks, e-ARCS, and More
Book­marks, book­marks, bookmarks:
Send Jenniefer Estep a self-addressed stamped enve­lope with two first-class U.S. stamps (88 cents) on it in order to get free the book­marks (this helps me cover postage costs). If you are over­seas, you must send me a SASE with at least $2 in U.S. postage on it.

Also find Jennifer at: 


Jennifer Estep has offered to giveaway one copy of her book Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassins #4)!!!    (Thank you Jennifer!!)

Book Description:

"I’d rather face a dozen lethal assassins any night than deal with something as tricky, convoluted, and fragile as my feelings.

But here I am. Gin Blanco, the semi-retired assassin known as the Spider. Hovering outside sexy businessman Owen Grayson’s front door like a nervous teenage girl. One thing I like about Owen: he doesn’t shy away from my past—or my present. And right now I have a bull’s-eye on my forehead.

Cold-blooded Fire elemental Mab Monroe has hired one of the smartest assassins in the business to trap me. Elektra LaFleur is skilled and efficient, with deadly electrical elemental magic as potent as my own Ice and Stone powers. Which means there’s a fifty-fifty chance one of us won’t survive this battle. I intend to kill LaFleur—or die trying—because Mab wants the assassin to take out my baby sister, Detective Bria Coolidge, too.

The only problem is, Bria has no idea I’m her long-lost sibling . . . or that I’m the murderer she’s been chasing through Ashland for weeks. And what Bria doesn’t know just might get us both dead. . ."

Giveaway Details:  
  • Giveaway is open May 9th 2011 - May 22nd 2011
  • One winner will be chosen on May 23rd 2011. The winner has 48 hours to respond before another winner will be chosen.
  • Open to US & Canada only
  • One entry per-household please!
  • This giveaway is provided by the author.

To Enter:

AOTW- Stephanie Tyler

Stephanie Tyler

About the author:
New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Tyler writes what she loves to read - romantic suspense with military heroes for Bantam Dell. She lives in New York with her husband and children and Gus the Weimaraner. She also writes paranormal erotic romance for Bantam Dell under the pen-name Sydney Croft.
Interview with Stephanie Tyler!!

HP: Can you tell us how you came up with the idea of your Hold trilogy? What inspired you to create these three men?

Stephanie Tyler: Jake, Nick and Chris had been with me for a long time – typically, my characters arrive and before I begin writing, I know all their backstory.  So I knew they were brothers by adoption, that they were SEALs.  I just didn’t know their heroines at first.  And I knew how important their stories would be to me and I wanted to wait until I could do their stories justice. 

HP: The Shadow Force series, loosely based off of your Hold trilogy, from the sound of it, it is a very complex world what with Delta, Navy SEALs, CIA, and more. Can you tell us a little about the series idea as a whole? Where do you plan to go with this series?

ST: The series is open ended and is very much a covert / black ops world, with lots of different men with different backgrounds and skill sets working together to save the world…and themselves, while they’re at it. A lot of these men in special forces do cross paths – there’s a lot of friendships made on the job, so to speak, as well as a lot of enemies.  I knew I wanted to built a world of strong men but also incorporate women strong enough to handle both the men and their jobs.  It’s been a lot of fun writing the series and meeting all the new characters.

HP: You have two books coming out for the Shadow Force series this year, Into the Night Air coming out in July and Night Moves coming in October. Can you tell us some about these two upcoming releases?

ST: Sure – you’ve met both Mace and Kell (and Cael and Reid) in Promises in the Dark.  I’ve put the blurbs below, since I think they tells the story better than I could.  But I want to let everyone know that yes, Caleb and Vivi play a big role in IN THE AIR TONIGHT – I wouldn’t leave them hanging!

For In the Air:

With danger closing in, all they have is each other.
Haunted by a mission he barely survived, Delta Force operative Mace Stevens still carries a soldier’s burden. Running a small bar in upstate New York, he remains a stone cold warrior who guards dangerous secrets and stays ready for anything. Anything except beautiful, vulnerable Paige Grayson, who shows up at his door, demanding answers about her heroic stepbrother’s death under his command.

Paige bears burdens, too. She’s plagued by demons unleashed by an older brother who committed mass murder before her eyes. But here in this snowy haven with Mace, she almost feels safe from the menacing promises of her insane sibling. As a nurse whose hands can read the deepest thoughts of anyone she touches, Paige knows Mace needs her as desperately as she needs him. And when a faceless killer begins unleashing fresh terror, Mace proves just how far he will go to save the woman who means everything to him.

For Night Moves:

Anything can happen under the cover of darkness.

Kell Roberts has walked the thin line between life and death for so long that it now feels like home. He is a soldier, a survivor, and a loner. Still, Kell cannot turn his back on the beautiful woman caught in his firefight against the drug lords of Mexico. She says her name is Teddie, but Kell senses there’s much more to her story—and it’s about to pull him into a mission he didn’t sign on for: keeping her alive.

Teddie Lassiter knows this lean, mean rescuer just saved her life, but the steel glint behind those soft gray eyes seem to be hiding something deep. The men after Teddie are deadly, but the man who holds her life in his hands and tempts her with his wicked touch is even more dangerous. He could make her dream about living and loving again. And if they can survive, maybe, just maybe, they can stop fighting the world and each other—and simply surrender.

HP: Your three books in the Blazes series are based on Navy SEALs can you tell us what the research for this series was like, how extensive?

ST: Well, as with the Hold series, which is also a SEAL series, the research is intense – it’s a lot of reading, fact checking, talking with sources –and still, I’m sure I’ve gotten things wrong.  It’s funny though – a lot of things people will think are wrong aren’t – maybe they get their facts from other places or are thinking about different branches of the military.  But the most satisfying mail to get is from someone in the military – or a spouse or a military brat, as they call themselves – telling me they love my books and that I’ve done the military right.  Very satisfying, especially since I mean nothing but respect to the military with every book I write. 

HP: On you page you say you have an up coming Paranormal release, this is something new for your Stephanie Tyler name. Can you tell us how the idea to write a paranormal trilogy came about?

ST: I’ve co-written Paranormal erotic romance under the name Sydney Croft with Larissa Ione for years, so writing paranormals comes naturally to me.  I’ve had an idea about wolves – werewolves – for quite a while – and the trilogy will be about a pack of immortal wolves.  The first title is called DIRE NEEDS:  A NOVEL OF THE ETERNAL WOLF CLAN and it’s due out from NAL in Summer of 2012.  It’s all about Dire wolves and Weres and a group called the weretrappers who want to use them for their own nefarious purposes.  There are also witches and humans…and lots of alpha male goodness!

HP: You are scheduled to be at the RWA Conference June 28th - July 1st 2011. Can you expand on this for those that may not know about the RWA and what you will be doing?

ST: RWA stands for Romance Writers of America – and it’s an organization for both published and unpublished authors of Romantic Suspense.  Its members also include booksellers and librarians who are supportive of the romance genre.  Every year, they hold a conference that includes a booksigning that’s open to the public plus lots of workshops for members.  I’ll be signing my books at the public signing and I’ll be part of a workshop on Jun 30th at 11am called, Romancing the Pros:  The Romantic Suspense Market, along with Karen Rose and an editor and agent TBN.

HP: On your page you mention it took you ten manuscripts before you got your first sale call. Were the first books you have published the writings from before you got the sale call or was you writing other things before your first publication?

ST: A little of both – some of those ten manuscripts were never completed and some found homes after much editing.  Actually, the first romance I ever started eventually became the Harlequin Blaze, Beyond His Control.   I do count Coming Undone and Night Vision (novella) among the ten and Coming Undone was my first sale! 

HP: Why was Too Hot to Hold, the second book in you Hold trilogy, so hard for you to write?

ST: Nick, the hero, was – still is – the strong, silent type.  Even more than Jake, he did not want his secrets to come out, didn’t want to fall in love.  Add in a plot that was quite circular and different time zones and it was quite challenging.  I’m proud of the work I did on that book  - it wasn’t easy, but I still love it.

HP: Do you have an author who may have inspired you to write?

ST: I’ve always wanted to write but I do have authors who for sure inspired me to write romance – Cherry Adair, Suzanne Brockmann and Tami Hoag.

HP: What is you favorite book(s)

ST: Oh wow, too many to name here.  I have so many rereads – it just depends on what I’m in the mood for!  But I guess I can say that Gone with the Wind is a perennial favorite.

HP: Do you enjoy doing the research for you books?

ST: I do!  I’m a former teacher, so research is something I’ve always turned to naturally.

HP: Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?

ST: I’d like to thank them for being so supportive of my books – it’s awesome to get reader mail and postings on Facebook and the like!  And thank you, Holly, for having me here today!

It is an honor to have you on my blog Stephanie!! I want to thank you for this awesome interview and giveaway!


Books by Stephanie Tyler
Hard to Hold Trilogy
#1: Hard to Hold
#2: Too Hot to Hold
#3: Hold On Tight

Available from Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Random House and IndieBound

The Shadow Force Series
#1: Lie with Me
#2: Promises in the Dark

Available from Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Noble and IndieBound 

The Blazes Trilogy
#1: Coming Undone (Harlequin Blaze #315)
#2: Risking It All (Harlequin Blaze #327)
#3: Beyond His Control (Harlequin Blaze #384)

Available from Amazon in Paperback and Kindle. From Fictionwise in Ebook.

Hot Nights, Dark Desires (ACRO #2.5)
by Eden Bradley, Sydney Croft, Stephanie Tyler 

Available from Amazon, Random House and Chapters Indigo

Coming Soon
In the Air Tonight (Shadow Force #3)-- Expected publication: July 26th 2011 by Dell
Night Moves (Shadow Force #4)-- Expected publication: September 27th 2011 by Del
Upcoming Paranormal Trilogy-- Check back at Stephanie's website for more news on this trilogy - the first of which is tentatively scheduled for Summer 2012

Also find Stephanie at:
Her website

Two winners will win one book that Stephanie Tyler had published as of now. (May 2nd 2011)

One of The Shadow Forces Series
Book #1: Lie With Me
Book #2: Promises in the Dark

One of The Hard to Hold Trilogy
Book #1: Hard to Hold

Book #2: Too Hot to Hold
Book #3: Hold On Tight

Or one of The Blaze Trilogy
Book #1:Coming Undone

Book #2: Risking it All
Book #3: Beyond His Control

Giveaway Details: 
  • There will be two winners. Each winner will get their choice of one of the books above in either Paperback or Kindle ebook form.
  • The giveaway will run from May 2nd 2011 - May 16th 2011.
  • The winner(s) will be chosen, announced and contacted on May 17th 2011. The winners will have 48 hours to respond before another winner(s) will be chosen. 
  • The giveaway is provided by the author.
  • One entry per-household please!
  • Giveaway is open US, Canada and International.

To Enter: 


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