Interview: A Rumored Affair by Viki Lyn

Hi! Would you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Thanks for having me today. I’m Viki Lyn, author of several M/M romances. Last year, I moved back to California (my home state) from Arizona. Moving into a new home was thrilling, but a time sink. We had lots of improvements to work on. Now that we’re settled in, I divide my time between writing and artwork. I’m reenergized and ready to write more books.

Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?

I love my readers! And, I enjoy hearing from them: Readers are the reason why authors write. I hope my readers enjoy the lighthearted romance between Chris and Graham in A Rumored Affair.

Can you tell us a little bit about your book?

A Rumored Affair is a light romance, meaning my characters are flawed but not in a deep, dark angst-y way. Bad things happen, but not with dire earth shattering consequences. Presently the world is dark and vicious enough. I wanted to set a story in Big Sur, California. This special place has always held a fascination, with its bohemian history. And, I love the ‘opposites attract’ trope. Stubborn, introverted Chris falls for Graham who goes after what he wants.

You’re out demon hunting (because you’re that kind of awesome) and you come across one about to kill a young couple. He has not seen you yet; what is your first course of action?

I’m a mage (of course) and the first thing I’d do is cast a bitter cold spell and freeze the bastard.

Can we expect more novels from you in 2017/2018?

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this will happen. Mostly, I write with Vina Grey, so this means two schedules to work around. She’s extremely busy and travels a lot for her job. I’m busy with teaching art, enjoying my time with my sisters (why I moved back to CA), and painting. I always have good intentions of writing more books, but somehow life gets in the way.

Are you working on anything at the moment?

Vina and I have a M/M romance at a publisher for consideration. Long, Tall Cowboy is set in a small town in Idaho. If the publisher doesn’t pick it up, we’ll self-publish the book next year. I also finished the final book in my Kresnik/vampire series published by Loose Id. I plan to send the ms to my editor this month. And, I’m in the middle of working on Forbidden Bite, a vampire romance between Angelo and Jude Mikhail from the Orbus Arcana series.

Do you think you will have a follow up book to this novel or is it just a stand-alone novel?

I’m waiting to see if the book sells well. If readers enjoy the setting and story, then there could be an interesting romance forming with Chris’s best friend, Honda, who has a major crush on Josh (who is the manager of Secretus resort and who had lost his husband).

What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?

Coming up with the plot…love complicated ones so I’m always trying to streamline my ideas.

If you could live in one of your books or series’ which would you choose and why?

I would be a royal vampire living in the Orbus Arcana world. The cities have old world charm with all the conveniences. The vampires have such awesome powers and can travel anyplace, anytime, in an instant. That would save me so much money on airfare!

What are some of the pro’s and con’s of self-publishing verses being published by a publisher in your opinion?

I have done both. Personally, I prefer to be with a publisher. Editing is a must and can be costly when you self-publish. Also, you need to hire someone to convert your book to the right formats, and find a book cover artist. Amazon does make the process easier, but it is time consuming and takes away from writing.

The pros of self-publishing is the author gets a bigger percentage of the sales. You have more control over the book cover, and can set the price, fix errors and republish anytime. You can’t do that if you go with a publisher.

Random Quickies!

Vampires or Werewolves? Vampires

Witches or Zombies?  Witches

Favorite color? Red

Favorite genre to read? Murder Mysteries

Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate? Dark Chocolate

M/M Contemporary Romance
Date Published: October 3, 2017
Publisher: Loose ID

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Vacationing at a gay resort is risky business for Winter Media’s CEO, Graham Winters. In negotiations for the purchase of an anti-LGBTQ publication, if found out he preferred men, the deal would collapse, along with Winter Media’s bottom line. But take a risk, Graham does. He can’t pass up two weeks where he can be himself.

But when Graham arrives at Secretus, there is no record of his reservation. Never one to take no for an answer, he coerces the owner of Secretus, Chris Katsaros, to let him stay in Chris’s home.

Winter Media owns one of the worst gossip rags in the country, so Chris has no choice but to agree to Graham’s terms. Chris keeps a low profile when it comes to Secretus, securing a safe environment where high profile gays can relax without media hounding their every move. An introvert by nature, Chris has a difficult time letting anyone into his life. As a foster kid, he had never experienced love until adopted by Pete and Bob.

Forced to entertain Graham, Chris finds they have more in common than he ever thought. The attraction between them is real, and Chris’s guarded heart begins to thaw.

About the Author

Multi-published and award winner, Viki Lyn is a successful writer of gay paranormal and contemporary romance. After reading and collecting whatever she could get her hands on, she wrote her first male/male romance. And that was ‘it’ for her. She never looked back. Viki travels the world in search of inspiration. She considers herself blessed to have traveled to many of the mystical sites she had dreamed about as a child. Her travel experiences have been influential in creating her paranormal worlds. When she needs to relax, she calls a friend to meet at their favorite coffee house. When the chattering in her head goes off the charts, she plays one of her favorite RPGs on her PS4 and immerses herself in the world of dragons and magic.

You can email Viki at

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Excerpt of Ghost Slayer by Majanka Verstraete @iheartreads

Ghost Slayer
Majanka Verstraete

ISBN : 9781947649033

Release date: 24 April 2018

Genre: New Adult Paranormal

Publisher: Fire Quill Publishing

Book Description:

Twenty-one-year-old Kaelyn has spent half her life hunting ghosts and killing them. But she's not like the other ghost hunters who have to rely on spells and curses to banish ghosts back to where they came from, hoping that they don't come back. When Kaelyn kills a ghost, they stay dead.

But in Mortimer Hall, a behemoth of a house, Kaelyn is about to face the most powerful Twenty-one-year-old Kaelyn has spent half her life hunting ghosts and killing them. But she's not like the other ghost hunters who have to rely on spells and curses to banish ghosts back to where they came from, hoping that they don't come back. When Kaelyn kills a ghost, they stay dead.

But in Mortimer Hall, a behemoth of a house, Kaelyn is about to face the most powerful and life-threatening ghost she ever met, and what she doesn't know is that the ghost has been waiting just for her...


The toddler's wicked laugh echoed throughout the basement, bounced off the walls, and traumatized my ear drums. I cringed and strengthened my grip on the dagger until my knuckles turned white.

Despite the danger I was in, I had trouble staying focused. Today had been a long day. After spending six hours cooped up in class trying to wrap my mind around criminal psychology, I had spent another two hours in the library crouched over dusty newspapers with pages yellowed from age, trying to find out as much as I could about the specter I'd dubbed the Main Street Basement Ghost. Then I headed to Main Street, to an apartment building straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie, and here I was, face to face with the ghost.

Well, maybe not face to face, since the toddler-ghost was playing a game of hide and seek.

The toddler laughed, and I followed the noise, farther into the darkness. I'd brought a flashlight, but the batteries had died about five minutes into the investigation. Usually, I had moonlight to guide me, but in this windowless basement, stark darkness was the only thing greeting me as I groped my way through stacks of boxes, mannequins, and things better left forgotten.

I caught a glimpse of a white, glowing figure moving in the back of the room. Knocking over several boxes, I rushed to the spot as fast I could.

The darkness worked as a disadvantage for the ghost. He was crouched behind a tower of books — nevertheless, the eerie glow surrounding him gave him away. In the daytime, he would've been much harder to spot, but in the darkness, he was a glowing beacon.

I stopped in front of the pile of hard covers and glanced at the glow resonating from behind it. The eerie light barely reached my torso. Getting rid of adolescent ghosts was never easy and a pang of guilt tugged at my heart. But this kid had killed three people already, I reminded myself.

At that moment, the kid launched himself at the books, toppling them over, crushing me. I raised my hands to my head for protection while I was continuously bombarded, trying to keep my balance at the same time.

He towered over me. His dark hair was disheveled, and he wore nineteenth- century clothes stained with blood. His head tilted slightly to the right. Half of it had been cut off, as if whoever had decided to rid the kid of his head, didn't have the stomach to complete the job. His eyes were dark and hollow, and they stared at me with unmatched venom.

Leave me alone.

His lips didn't move, but his voice was clear as day. Hatred glistened in his eyes. He snarled and launched himself at me with his fingers clawed, growling like an animal.

I took a step back and braced myself for the collision. His full weight hit me right in the chest, and I fell backward. I grabbed the ghost and held him away from me, while he gnarled, bit, spat, and clawed at me.

Go away!

Drops of sweat dripped down my forehead, and blood oozed where he scratched me. I grimaced and pushed the ghost away with all my strength. It flew several meters backward, but instead of dropping to the floor, it hovered mid-air. Its eyes sparked with black flames, and it hissed at me.

Guess I pissed it off for real this time.

I scrambled around on my knees in search of the dagger I dropped to the floor when the ghost knocked me over. The search was proving useless as I couldn't spot it anywhere.

The ghost's mouth grew large enough to swallow a small person, forming a black, gaping hole. Its eyes became small slits, like a snake's. It launched at me again, as fast as a leopard.

Running was out of the question. This thing, zigzagging toward me, its face the material of nightmares, was a lot faster than I was.

My gaze darted left and right, still in search of the dagger when I caught the silver sparkling in the ghost's glow. It was behind him. Just my luck.

Lunging up, I ran forward toward the ghost, dropped to the floor, and dove below the phantom, straight at the dagger. My sleeve ripped and I bumped my elbow into the wall, but at least I had my dagger back.

The ghost howled like a wounded animal. Turning around, it pulled back its arm and swung at me. I grabbed it mid-swing with my left hand, clenching my teeth as I used all my strength to stop the attack, and with my right hand, I plunged the dagger straight into its belly.

The spirit and I stared at each other for a beat. He screamed, a sound that went through marrow and bone. Then he vanished.

Relieved, I stumbled backward. My knees were wobbly, and I had to hold on to the wall for support. Taking deep breaths, I tried to steady my heartbeat. With the ghost gone, the basement had gone from illuminated-by-eerie-ghost-glow to pitch black darkness.

When I'd recovered a little, I fumbled through the pockets of my jacket until I found my cell phone. The battery was almost dead, but I was hoping it would hold out until I got out of here.

Groping my way through the darkness, I bumped into a million different things, and almost suffered a heart attack when I ran into a life-sized mannequin. It seemed to take forever before I managed to make it out of the basement. I slipped twice on the stairs going up, and by the time I reached the hallway, I felt as if I'd just survived a year in Alcatraz. There were lights in the hallway, although they were on emergency setting; they went on and off every few seconds.

My backpack still lay where I'd left it, right outside the entrance to the basement. I slumped down against the wall, opened up my backpack and grabbed a bottle of water. I drank half of it, and poured the other half over my head in an attempt to cool off. Next, I pulled out my pocket mirror and inspected the damage to my face. Green eyes, thin, black eyebrows, a straight nose, high cheekbones, a small bruise under my left eye, and a cracked lip stared back at me. But at least my teeth seemed fine, and the bruise was small enough to cover up with concealer. My hair was a mess, though.

I loosened my ponytail and ruffled through my long, black hair. With caution, I searched my scalp inch by inch, looking for wounds. I had hit my head pretty hard the first time the ghost launched at me. But apart from a growing bump at the back of my head, the rest seemed fine.

My arms hadn't been so lucky. They were covered in scratch marks where my sleeve had ripped. Another jacket ruined. My ankle throbbed and my head hurt, but all in all, the damage was minimal. Which was to be expected, considering that the Main Street Basement Ghost was a piece of cake compared to some of the other specters I'd fought.

I stumbled a little when I got back up. After hoisting my backpack over my shoulder, I walked through the hallway and out of the abandoned apartment building.

Another ghost had been sent straight back to the afterlife, and another paycheck awaited my collection tomorrow. My employer would be glad his building was ghost free, and that he could now safely find new tenants for the fourteen apartments above the haunted basement. As for me, I was glad I'd be able to pay the rent for another month, and buy some food for the table. A girl had to eat.

About the Author:

Author Majanka Verstraete has written more than twenty unique works of fiction. A native of Belgium, Majanka’s novels explore the true nature of monsters: the good, the bad, and just about every species in between. Her young adult books include the acclaimed Mirrorland (YA Dark Fantasy) and Angel of Death (YA Paranormal) series of novels.

Majanka is currently developing a new YA shifter series with a fresh take on fierce female detectives called THE ADVENTURES OF MARISOL HOLMES which will be published by Monster House Books in October 2018.

Her NA paranormal romance series, Ghost Slayer, has been picked up by Fire Quill Publishing. The first volume will be released in 2017.

When she’s not writing, Majanka is probably playing World of Warcraft or catching up with the dozens of TV series she’s addicted to.

Twitter: @iheartreads

No One But You by Tessa Levy #WomensFiction

No One But You
Tessa Levy

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Publisher: Filament Publishing

ISBN: 978-1912256051

Book Description:

The book is a fictional account of a young girl's story based on the true life of Tessa Levy, the author, who co-wrote the book with her youngest daughter Shelley Cassidy. From the post-war East End of London, to the high life of America and back again. It portrays a young girl's yearning for adventure and opportunity and ultimately love, on both sides of the Atlantic.

Tessa, the main character, was the youngest child of a large family and had the responsibility of caring for her beloved dying mother. When her father secretly marries another woman, who moves into their home with her three children, Tessa's world is shattered. She seeks solace from distant cousins whom she has never met in America, with whom she secretly commences correspondence. She reveals her situation and she is invited to stay with her cousins.

At the tender age of 17, she sets off on the adventure of a lifetime. A year and a half later, she returns to England as a glamorous young women, having fallen in love for the first time. However, she crosses the cultural divide and struggles to resettle, despite her family's best efforts to reintegrate her into their Jewish community in London. Eventually meeting the man she will marry, she suffers another painful premature family death.

She embarks on motherhood and a career, which she loves and excels at. However, life continues to challenge her happiness and she finds herself torn between the two loves of her life: the handsome, poetic and artistic Gus in America, and the charismatic, successful, but disloyal David in England, both so very different.

Once again, the Atlantic splits her heart. Her romantic adventure, back and forth between the two countries, ultimately answer the underlying theme of the book; whether it is possible to love two men in one life.

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About the Author:

Tessa Levy was born in the in the East End of London, as the youngest of six children in a Jewish family; Russian immigrants to England before the Second World War. The author, like her brothers in the fashion business and her husband in the nightclub trade of Soho, made a success of her antique business – a truly entrepreneurial woman in an era when business was dominated by men - specialising in Imari porcelain and creating an established presence in the Kensington Pavilion.

Now in her 80s, Tessa resides in West London, opposite Hyde Park, and maintains one foot on either side of the pond. No One But You is Tessa Levy’s first book, based on real events, which brings to light a topical immigrant family story of displacement, hardship, disease and death, but also of inclusion, friendship, love and success. It crosses the divide not only between two cultural differences, but also two faiths and families.

Excerpt & #Giveaway: Witch for Hire by Shyla Colt @ShylaColt

Witch for Hire
Shyla Colt

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Vamptasy
Date of Publication:  11-27-1017
ASIN: B075GN5Q68
Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 85,000
Cover Artist: Dreams 2 Media

Against the approaching darkness, I am the light.

Book Description:

Young, terrified, and bound to a vampire, Louella Eschete fled the bayou and swore off magic. Years later, she’s returned to the tiny town of Cypress, Louisiana to take her rightful place as head of her magical family, whether she likes it or not.

In order to keep the tentative peace formed between the various races of powerful beings who rule side by side, she must face her own demons. Mainly one, Cristobal Cortez.

Now a master vampire, and lord of the seven cities surrounding New Orleans, her former lover has moved up in the world. Their relationship gets way more complicated when his court is framed for a rash of murders they didn’t commit.

Forced to play her role as his bond mate, and launch an investigation into the darkness threatening to overturn truces, she may be in over her head.

I spot his form on the outskirts. Though, I’m loathe to admit it, my night vision is better than a human’s. Energy crackles on my fingertips. Bright green sparks break the inky blackness of night. My stomach sours. Being in the same space works as an amplifier for us. I’m manifesting new powers. He’s turned me into something foreign. Physical manifestation of magic is rare and left to the most powerful.
I curl my hands into fists. He foresaw this all those years ago in that graveyard. He recognized the potential of the two of us could create together. My chest aches. Some wounds cut too deep to ever fully heal. Angers pools in my belly. I wanted love. I got lies and manipulation instead. A pulsing ball of energy forms in front of me. I’m hypnotized by the technic-color glow. How could this come from me?
I shake under the strain of maintaining it. What was created in anger is burning off my reserves.
“Let. It. Go.”
The command given in a dulcet tone snaps my hold on the newly discovered power. The ball hurtles toward him. I resend the magic, knowing the back lash of the abrupt interruption of signal flow is going to be a bitch. Lifted off my feet by a form of magical feedback, I’m pitched back violently. My stomach drops, and then I’m caught in a strong pair of arms. The gravity of seeing him in person so close up presses down on me as I drown in his chocolate colored gaze. My tongue sticks to the rough of my mouth. All thought flees as my barriers buckle like the compromised hull of a ship. The high, well-sculpted cheek bones lead down to a strong, diamond shaped jaw rounded out by a dimpled chin. His button nose gives an eternal boyish quality to his rugged good lucks. He swallows and my gaze is drawn to his throat as my mind his worked over by years of memories.
We’re exchanging information like two computers updating. He cups my face. “Louella.” I twitch as I ride the wave of power being exchanged between us.

About the Author:

Shyla Colt is the sassy international bestseller of the popular series Kings of Chaos and Dueling Devils M.C. This genre-hoppers stories feature three of her favorite things: strong females, pop culture, and alternate routes to happy ever after. Listening to her Romani soul, she pens from the heart, allowing the dynamic characters, eccentric interests, and travels as a former flight attendant to take her down untraveled roads.

Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, this mid-west girl is proud of her roots. She used her hometown and the surrounding areas as a backdrop for a number of books. So, if you’re a Buckeye, keep an eye out for familiar places.

As a full-time writer, stay at home mother, and wife, there's never a dull moment in her household.

She weaves her tales in spare moments and the evenings with a cup of coffee or tea at her side and the characters in her head for company.

You can interact with Shyla Colt online via her website


Guest Blog: Building The World of Selkirk by C.E. Clayton

Building The World of Selkirk

Greetings friends of the Paranormal Romance and More blog! I am so excited to be taking over the blog today for a guest post, and sharing my fantasy novel with you all. I thought there’d be no better way to share my work with you then to share how I went about building the world my characters and their feral elves inhabit.
The first thing I did was decide if Selkirk was going to have magic or not. You’d be surprised by how crucial, and hard that was to decide. And sure, most people’s reaction is: “MAGIC! Yes, all day everyday, magic!” which is usually my first reaction, too.
But for the world of Selkirk, I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted a fantasy world that didn’t lean on magic to conveniently explain complicated situations, or get my characters out of trouble. So what fantasy world doesn’t have magic, but is still in the fantasy realm? One that includes fantasy creatures, whose abilities lie in their biology, not a talent to manipulate reality. Hence why Selkirk has some brutal, feral elves, sentient trees, nomadic clans, a king and queen, but not a lick of magic.
Next I had to decide the geography of the area. I know that sounds tedious, but it’s actually pretty vital. Otherwise things get muddled and your characters wander in circles through geological areas that make no sense. I actually sat down and drew a map of Selkirk, figuring out where all the towns were in relation to the cities, where the rivers and lakes were located, and even mapping where important events or people were located, so when my characters travelled, I knew exactly where they were, which really helps readers figure out where everyone is, too. Then I figured out what country I wanted to base Selkirk on so everything from the climate to the food fit as well (spoiler: I based it on Scotland).
Once I knew how the world functioned, and how the land of Selkirk not only looked, but felt, it was easier to plop my characters in and have them react in a realistic way. Their colloquialisms, the clothes they wore, their tolerance for the wet and cold, all became little nuggets of detail that helped make my characters feel complete, and that’s all because I built (or, drew in this case) the island nation of Selkirk from the ground up and populated it with creatures that fit nicely into not just the plot and story, but the world as a whole.
This process is one I’ve used a few times as Selkirk is just one of the countries that my characters visit over the course of the entire series. While each country is unique with their varying geographies and customs, they all still fit within the larger world as a whole, one where the fantasy creatures and religion adhere to the universal truths I have established. And no magic, sorry.
So, in a nut shell, that’s how I go about world building and how the lands in “The Monster of Selkirk” all came to be! I’d love to know if you have any questions about my process. You can reach out to me on Facebook or my website, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for letting me take over the blog today, and I hope you enjoy “The Monster of Selkirk Book I: The Duality of Nature”!

The Monster Of Selkirk
The Duality of Nature  
Book 1
C.E. Clayton

Genre: YA Fantasy

Print Length: 329 pages

Publisher: DevilDog Press

Publication Date: April 18, 2017


Book Description:

Monsters come in many forms, and not everyone knows a monster when they see one. After three hundred years of monstrous, feral elves plaguing the island nation of Selkirk, everyone believes they know what a monster is. Humans have learned to live with their savage neighbors, enacting a Clearing every four years to push the elves back from their borders. The system has worked for centuries, until after one such purge, a babe was found in the forest.

As Tallis grows, she discovers she isn't like everyone else. There is something a little different that makes people leery in her presence, and she only ever makes a handful of friends.

But when the elves gather their forces and emerge from the forests literally hissing Tallis's name like a battle mantra, making friends is the least of her troubles. Tallis and her companions find themselves on an unwilling journey to not only clear her name, but to stop the elves from ravaging her homeland.

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About the Author:

C. E. Clayton was born and raised in Southern California where she worked in the advertising industry for several years on accounts that ranged from fast food, to cars, and video games (her personal favorite). This was before she packed up her life, husband, two displeased cats, and one very confused dog and moved to New Orleans. Now, she is a full time writer (mainly in the fantasy genre), her cats are no longer as displeased, and her dog no longer confused.

More about C.E. Clayton, including her blog, book reviews, and poetry, can be found on her website:

Spotlight: Prey by Tim Majka @tmajic52

Blood Of The Ancients
Book One
Tim Majka

Print Length: 281 pages
Publisher: DevilDog Press
Publication Date: June 27, 2017
Genre: Horror, SciFi, Paranormal

Book Description:

The Other Side Has Broken Through

Following the mysterious death of his parents, Detective Eric Archer goes home to the idyllic Western New York town of Chadwick Bay. There, he joins old colleagues and makes new acquaintances in Jessica Benitez, Eliseo Gomez, and the enigmatic Dr. William Dirk.

They uncover decades-old family secrets that shakes the foundation of their reality.

Alliances are formed, friends become foes.

An ancient entity’s plan to enslave the people of Earth is about to be unleashed. With the fate of humanity at risk, Eric Archer and his friends must race to unravel the mystery of how to defeat a


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About the Author:

I spend most of my time molding the minds of America’s youth teaching high school social studies, along the shores of Lake Erie, in my hometown. I reside there with my loving and supportive family that includes my best friend and bride, Bridget, two wonderful sons most people could only dream of, Jacob and Alex, and two rescue cats: Stanley and Corky.

My reading interests cover a wide range genres. Suspense, mystery, thriller, action, adventure, sci-fi, historical, and noir. My goal is to explore as many of these as I can in my career as an author.

I am a self-professed pop-culture geek, and wear that label proudly. My sons and I have a comic book collection that is in excess of 5000 books. And we NEVER miss an opening night for any of the super-hero movies.

Living in Western New York I am conditioned to be a fan of both the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres. I have dealt with much heartbreak over the years, but hold out hope that my teams will bring home those elusive championships someday.

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